Crosshairs Tool
It’s important to note that the CrossHairs tool uses the Cornerstone MetaDataProvider to determine which slices contain our point of interest. If the metadata for the series/volume has not yet been loaded, the tool may be unable to find the most appropriate POI.
// Init cornerstone tools
// ...
// Enable our elements
const scheme = 'wadouri'
const baseUrl = ''
// Create our Stack data
const firstSeries = [
const secondSeries = [
const firstStack = {
currentImageIdIndex: 0,
imageIds: firstSeries
.map(seriesImage => `${scheme}:${baseUrl}${seriesImage}`);,
const secondStack = {
currentImageIdIndex: 0,
imageIds: secondSeries
.map(seriesImage => `${scheme}:${baseUrl}${seriesImage}`);,
// Create the synchronizer
const synchronizer = new cornerstoneTools.Synchronizer(
// Cornerstone event that should trigger synchronizer
// Logic that should run on target elements when event is observed on source elements
// Add and activate tools
cornerstoneTools.setToolActive('StackScroll', { mouseButtonMask: 1 });
cornerstoneTools.setToolActive('StackScrollMouseWheel', { });
// load images and set the stack
const firstLoadImagePromise = cornerstone.loadImage(firstStack.imageIds[0])
.then((image) => {
cornerstone.displayImage(firstElement, image)
// set the stack as tool state
cornerstoneTools.addStackStateManager(firstStack, ['stack', 'Crosshairs'])
cornerstoneTools.addToolState(firstElement, 'stack', firstStack)
const secondLoadImagePromise = cornerstone.loadImage(secondStack.imageIds[0])
.then((image) => {
cornerstone.displayImage(secondElement, image)
// set the stack as tool state
cornerstoneTools.addStackStateManager(secondElement, ['stack', 'Crosshairs']);
cornerstoneTools.addToolState(secondElement, 'stack', secondStack);
// After images have loaded, and our sync context has added both elements
Promise.all([firstLoadImagePromise, secondLoadImagePromise])
.then(() => {
const tool = cornerstoneTools.CrosshairsTool;
cornerstoneTools.setToolActive('Crosshairs', {
mouseButtonMask: 1,
synchronizationContext: synchronizer,